Your Yes Matters!

Something I’ve been chewing on the last couple of weeks has really helped me keep things in my life/home in alignment. There will always be a million opportunities and needs. But what we say yes to usually has a cost (either for good or for bad). Our yes causes us to have to say no to something else and sometimes that’s a good thing that brings blessing and balance and other times it cost us our families or our own energy/time which is not going to be worth the sacrifice. Without a clear focus of where we are headed we can struggle with where to say yes/no. Timing plays a role in what we need to say yes to and what is for another time and as I learn this, my family is right beside me learning it too. It’s so important for my kids to learn the fine balance of using our time wisely while building in time for rest and fellowship and we just can’t say yes to everything. When life is in balance…there’s time for fun and for rest.

Sarah’s Testimony

For the last 7 months, I have been in terrible health. I had Covid in December, did OK with the actual Covid but a few weeks later became unable to walk, get up/down without fainting, and had tremors like parkinsons. Just to name a few things. I was diagnosed with POTS in late January. Basically all of my vitals, blood pressure, heart rate, brain function, muscle control, etc were not working and I was basically homebound. I had missed about 3 months of work and was trying to go back but really struggling.

In my sessions with Shara, I experienced deep, emotional healing. For 7 months, it was like everything had been cut off – I couldn’t hear Jesus and I wasn’t having visions, which I typically had in the night. But in my session with Shara, everything came back and I had VIVID pictures and words with Jesus that healed my deepest places of hurt and set me COMPLETELY FREE from those traumatic wounds, past and present. Afterwards, I was like…. what on earth… I have to know how to help other people experience this!!!! Thankfully Shara invited me to the training she had received through Mining the Truth!

During the session that Saturday, Chrysty stood up with a word for someone struggling with long Covid symptoms…. she described every one of my symptoms… then said that the spiritual reason my senses are shut down is that the enemy wants to limit my areas of gifting and take me out of my ministry but that God can heal it. I leaned over to Shara and said THAT’S ME and I need y’all to pray for me right now. That’s when Chrysty, Cherry and Shara prayed for me, for every physical symptom and broke agreements with medical history and fear and diagnoses, etc. All the strength went out of my body at one point and I had a vision of Jesus reaching for me. When I opened my eyes, I felt good but tired and relatively the same. Then over the course of the next hour or so I realized I HAD NO MORE SYMPTOMS. None. Not one. I realized I was COMPLETELY HEALED!!!!!!!

I have been completely FREE since then. No tremors, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, eye trouble, brain glitches, etc. In fact my glasses (which had gone x4 worse in one eye after covid) started giving me problems a few days later and I went back to my old prescription from pre-covid!!!!!

Not only that, I experienced DEEP mental/emotional/spiritual healing. This is the part I can’t quantify for people. It has been such a dark journey. But God restored my joy, my pep, my energy for life… it’s like he restored many many years back to me. My boys even say that I look different!! They are quick to tell people that Jesus healed me. I’m so grateful for the testimony they are experiencing first hand. They are speaking with a new assurance of who Jesus is. I feel overwhelmed with His kindness to me and my gratitude for Shara and for the training I received. He orchestrated it all. He met me in my darkest place and healed all of me. Not just my body but my mind and my heart too. It is unbelievable. I cannot ever be the same after experiencing this.

With thankfulness, Sarah

Faith restored

I lost my house, my apartment, all my money, all my personal belongings, part of my mind and my faith. I was going through a divorce and was alone and found myself both alone and lonely. I prayed daily, I asked God to fix it all on numerous occasions but somehow the hole that I was in, kept getting deeper and deeper. I confided in people whom I thought were friends, I looked for companionship in all the wrong men and on top of all that I hated my job.

I was so lost. I was so broken and every time I thought I fixed one part of my life, it seemed as though another part would fall off and break. God wasn’t answering me (or so I thought), none of my so called friends could help me and I was stressed out to the point of hives, exhaustion, loss of sleep and weight loss. I was so tired of losing, I wanted my life back, I thought.

On on particular night I prayed for some answers and woke up the next morning with a bug in my bed. Yes, a bug. So, what you don’t understand is that I am deathly afraid of bugs…..any bug, it doesn’t matter the size or kind. Seeing this bug stressed me out even further but also woke me up. I mean my eyes were opened and now I saw that it was not just hives that were attacking me but it was also bugs that were literally sucking the blood out of me at night while I tried to sleep. See the problem was not that I wasn’t praying, the problem was I wasn’t listening. I’m sure God was in heaven saying I am trying to talk to you but you are not listening.

I was so stressed out and afraid, I called the apartment complex that I lived in and told them that I think I have bed bugs and if they could check it out. Later that day it was confirmed. I was too scared to go back into the apt so I moved out leaving all my personal possessions. A voice told me to call a friend, she was a real friend that could help but I sort of distanced myself from her through my trials because I didn’t want her to know what was going on in my life. I told her that I had a question for her but that I needed to sleep on it and that I will call her in the morning. I prayed that night and the answer to my prayer was to ask her if I could move in with her for awhile while I get my life and my financial situation together. By the grace of God she said yes.

When I moved in with my friend all I had was a backpack. I refused to bring anything from the apartment because I didn’t want to compromise her home. She kept asking me if she could help me get my things and I kept telling her that I had it handled. Days went by and I wasn’t bringing anything over and she kept pushing. I was ashamed, didn’t want to tell her my dirty little secret about the bugs and my entire situation. But the Holy Spirit kept telling me to tell her so I finally did. She immediately prayed for me and with me. She told me that I had lost faith and I became defensive and told her that I didn’t. Later that night when I prayed I came to the sad realization that she was right. I had lost my faith and knowing that devastated me. I didn’t want o lose faith in my God……I love him, I did not want to hurt him with this loss of faith. I did not want God to be disappointed in me. All I could think about was how did this happen, when did this happen and how can I get it back?

My friend is a Christian and she has Christian friends. While living with her I met some of them. Well the thing about having Christian friends is that they are always talking about the goodness of God. Seeing that I was trying to get my faith back and wanted to be closer to God, I needed them to show me how. So I watched them. We had several conversations about God, Jesus, the Bible and ourselves.

My new life started September 2020, it has now been almost a year later and I worship and pray daily. I quit my job and opened up 2 businesses. I facilitate a class at a local church regarding how to become free and getting to know Jesus. Most of my friends are Christians. I attend worship services at my friends homes, I am happy, joyful and filled with faith. I met a pastoral counselor who helped me ask Jesus questions and really listen for the answers. She helped me put my fears at the foot of Jesus and ask Jesus what he will replace it with. I learned to cut soul ties, to forgive, and how to truly be the way God intended me to be. I pray out loud now…. That was never me. I also have posted several videos regarding the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit….. again, I would have never ever thought that I would be doing something like that…….but guess what, when the Holy Spirit tells you to do something, you do it. You learn how to hear him if you turn off all the outside noise and surrender. Give him your full undivided attention and tell him that you fully surrender. I gave my life to Jesus in a barbecue restaurant with one of my Christian friends and I have been speaking Jesus ever since. The best part of all this is that I know that he is not done with me yet. It has only been a year and he has done all this for me, I cant wait to see what else he has in store for me. Once you realize who you are………a friend of Jesus, a child of God, an heir, justified and redeemed, rich in his mercy, a masterpiece, righteous, possible, mighty and strong, capable, able and loved…… can never let anyone else treat you differently. You will move and act as God sees you, not the world, that is priceless and that is how it feels to be truly loved unconditionally.

From darkness to light…

I’m so excited for what Jesus is doing in Lisa’s life and how he’s taken her through a dark night of feeling suicidal and hopeless to knowing who she is and what she is called to! The Lisa who came to me 5 months ago is not the same that I know today! She’s so full of joy and encouragement for anyone that comes around her…a true sister to many who are on their own journey of healing as she cheers them on. Here’s her story in her own words:

My Inner Healing Testimony

I began my inner healing journey after being referred to Shara from a friend who had came to my rescue one night to pray over me when I had severe depression and suicidal thoughts.

I had NO idea what Inner Healing meant but I was desperate to stop feeling the way I had been feeling, knowing it was increasingly getting worse.

My first visit was LONG-poor Shara-but Bless her heart!

I was amazed that Jesus was talking with me during our visit. He answered all my questions. Questions I did not know to ask.

I had previously been to several Freedom type retreats and conferences over the years. None addressed hurts, trauma and spiritual attack like Inner Healing. My visits with Shara for inner healing started an avalanche of chains being broken! Some I didn’t even know I had.

The first thing we did was find out who I needed to forgive. Jesus had a list for me!

Then we went thru and healed some traumatic memories related to physical trauma when I was younger and years of drug addiction in my past. Since Jesus has healed those, I can now talk about those times without feeling shame or crying and can use them to help others overcome.

Jesus also exposed my “core lie” that was embedded by the enemy. It was a lie given at birth to me, a lie telling me I was “unwanted”. I am in my 50’s and recently found out I was adopted and had been lied to my whole life.

With Shara’s help, I was able to see how the enemy reinforced that lie, through my whole life.

I now have the tools to recognize the enemy attacks and I no longer feel Unwanted but “much loved” by Jesus.

I was delivered of many spirits that were attached to me by breaking agreements with them and commanding them to leave. A few of them were depression, suicide, witchcraft, pharmakia (drug addiction). I felt lighter immediately once they were gone.

I have had several visits with Jesus and Shara and I am happy to say that now we focus on current things and my future.

Inner Healing is deliverance, spiritual guidance, teaching you the tools to speak to Jesus and get answers, what to look for in enemy attacks, letting Jesus heal you and show you how much he loves you.

All you need to do is be willing to let go of the past, forgive others, leave your old tools and pick up your new ones and trust in Jesus.


The lion roars

Keep going! I was reminded last night about a lion roaring in relations to Satan and how he roars…

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 ESV

A lion will roar to protect his territory or to scare prey away and also when its injured or doesn’t have teeth to eat its prey (old)… it won’t roar when hunting or angry. Pretty powerful image that when satan is roaring it’s because he’s scared and wants us to stay away and out of his territory. Imagine when Jesus roars as a marker of taking back His territory.

“They shall go after the Lord; he will roar like a lion; when he roars, his children shall come trembling from the west;”

Hosea 11:10 ESV

Satan is way more intimidated of us…but definitely likes to make us fearful so we stay away. 🤪 The troops are advancing, taking back kingdom territory and satan will roar even louder to intimidate us and to keep us defeated and ineffective…but he’s already defeated and his time is getting shorter. Don’t be afraid! Hold your positions and keep advancing!

With joy…

I’ve been thinking for awhile about the significance of John the Baptist (as well as the Prophets) preparing the way for Jesus to come. I was reminded of the story of the 70+ disciples being sent out by Jesus and returning with joy. The very first part of the story blew my mind… “Now after this the Lord appointed seventy others, and SENT THEM OUT AHEAD OF HIM, two by two, into every city and place WHERE HE WAS ABOUT TO GO.”Luke‬ ‭10:1‬ ‭AMP‬‬ I’ve read and heard this story several times…how Jesus gave them authority to heal the sick, cast out demons and preach the good news and they came back full of joy. But here’s the part I didn’t catch…THEY WERE PREPARERS…sent ahead of Jesus to prepare the way for where He would be going. He didn’t just send them there because He wasn’t going to have time to go there Himself…but He sent them for a specific purpose as co-laborers with Him…and even shared His authority with them (He wasn’t a power hungry leader). 😍 The disciples had a significant role to go before Jesus and if you think about it, there are several stories like this where God used people to prepare the way. I’ve been feeling for at least a year now that God is getting ready to raise up a generation as preparers to go before Him and there will be an abundant harvest like we’ve never seen (it’s coming!). As we rolled into 2020 I felt like God was releasing fresh joy into this year. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤪 Well 2020 has been less than joyful from one perspective but here’s the thing…when God is moving and we get to partner with Him and see it…it doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world or our lives…there’s a joy that is unexplainable because it’s found in doing life with Him and seeing how He loves others in personal, tangible ways that brings healing, encouragement and freedom 😍…and you can’t help but be filled with joy and fall more in love with Him. ❤️ I just want to encourage you to keep your eyes on Him…and not on the evil/crazy things that are happening in our world and filling it with fear. Our joy and peace aren’t found in our circumstances but in Him alone. We have to run back to Him and let Him love us (not because of what we “do” or how “good we are” but because He loves us as His creation). And when we know His unconditional love for us, we can’t help but fall in love with Him and let it pour out on others in the same way with a PURITY (no agenda!) that comes from the heart of God and heals our land as we co-labor with Him. ❤️

You’re gonna make it!

His perspective

When we’re the speck in the valley…we can only see what’s around us (a limited view) but if He were to lift us up we would see things from a different perspective…His perspective that sees the possibilities all around us. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t see very far or even what’s around you. He sees it all…what you can’t see and there are things He wants to teach you on the journey as you go where He is taking you. If you’re feeling lost…it’s ok to ask Him to show you what He sees…what is His perspective and what does He want to show you? Even if you can’t see much right now…know that He is fully aware and He has good plans for you. Seasons don’t last forever. 😘

Out of the box

So much truth. It’s easy for me to get rocked by others opinions of me but He’s had me on a journey this last year to know who He says I am and to walk in my identity and value so I’m not easily shaken by what others “think” and I can be who He made me. When you stop living in fear…you start to walk in boldness and confidence of who He made you and that’s when you SHINE! Plus there’s a lot more peace in that place. 🤪😍 #nomorefear #identity

Always in His hand

An unexpected reminder. ❤️ No matter what this life holds, for those who have put their trust in Jesus; nothing can take us out of His hand. “And I give them eternal life, and they will never, ever [by any means] perish; and no one will ever snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater and mightier than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.”
‭‭John‬ ‭10:28-29‬ ‭AMP‬‬